Thursday, September 18, 2008

my fortune...

It was a rare night for me, instead of the normal weeknight where I settle down to a family meal then tuck my little one into bed I went out with friends. We started by meeting up with the Our PDX folks for a drink (possibly two) and then moved on to a quick and terribly unhealthy dinner.

True to my weeknight form though I grew tired, as did my friends, and by 7:30 we were on our way back to my house. When I got home things were running smoothly, but just a little bit late. Dr. Normal and K had just wrapped up dinner and were hurrying to get K ready for bed, no doubt to show me things could run smoothly in my absence.

When we arrived home my lovely friends came inside to say goodnight and I slowly began to transition from the woman who had been out on the town in tight jeans, 3 inch heels and clip on devil horns back into the cozy comfy mama. Our friends departed after a round of hugs and kisses and then it was story time. Dr. Normal took K in her room as I took off my heels, removed my contact lenses and contemplated sleep. I heard his voice carry into the bathroom, he was reading the book she picked up at the library. A book I'd read only once but already loved.

After washing my face I went into her room and climbed onto her bed to hear the rest of story time and I saw one of the most wonderful things I will ever see in my lifetime...

The two people I most admire and adore curled up by the dim light of a lamp reading together, sharing a story, a tale, a dream...

They are so very beautiful.

And I?

Am so very fortunate.


Bubblewench said...


Anonymous said...

I love watching the kids play with their daddy. So wonderful to watch.

sybil law said...

You need to post pictures from your night out!

Anonymous said...

Clip on? The horns are clip on?


Jenera said...

I love those moments, when it just hits you upside the head how great it all is.

Anonymous said...

Aw, I can totally relate to having two worlds like this. :) It's a good combo though don't you agree?
I need to see a visual of these clip on horns.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

What beautiful reflections. What a variety of joys there is to be found in this life.

Jo Beaufoix said...

That was so lovely. There's something so cute and sexy about seeing your man with his child isn't there? And sounds like you had a good night with your friends too. Perfect.

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