Monday, June 04, 2007

where am I?

The last several days there have been A LOT of pictures taken around these parts. Tons. And not just by me. There have been videos too, I've had nothing to do with those.

Why? Well cause Bubblewench has been to town. She brought hubbyman and her dad along too. It's been a blast. Good wine. Good food. Good times.

Today instead of eating here at the house or heading down the street for brunch we went with them on one of their outings. Their last outing before they head on out of Portland... Where did we go?

To the Penguin Bone Museum?

No, while I would find that fascinating and K may be entertained by it too that is not where we went... See those kids in the background, they don't look like the type to enjoy bones.

Look, Auntie K came too!

As you can see by this pic of K and BW's hubbyman riding horses we are on a farm. Wait... do farms have penguin skeletons?

Maybe this picture of K and Bubblewench will shed some light on things... well it does shed light on the current condition of BW's arm. That condition? Squished with a side of ohmyfreakinghellthathurts from when she slammed her hand in the car on Saturday.

But as you can see from this picture of K and I we are clearly in a retirement home for eagle nests. Does that make any sense at all?

Sadly Mr. Kaos couldn't join us today, but he was there in tab form.

Oh... that says it all we're at the train station... what's that train called?

K explains the rules of the Zoo Train using her pretzel for punctuation.

Then it was off to see the bats.

and just before we left tired, hot, sweaty and did I mention tired?

We made one last stop to see the butterflies.

Some days there is nothing like the zoo. Of course at the end of those days there is nothing like a nap... I only wish she would take one. Tomorrow I'll be back to my regularly scheduled snark.
xoxo - CamiKaos


sybil law said...

Thank GOD you didn't post pics of armadillos - otherwise I could never read this blog again! I hate those nasty things!
Otherwise - fun! We need to have a zoo day, too.

mielikki said...

you look like you had a fun zoo day, I'm envious. Hope BW's arm gets better. (She needs to come home and type!)

flutter said...

looks like so much fun!

landismom said...

That looks like fun. We did the zoo this weekend too.

Anonymous said...

oooh! bats! We have some that divebomb my head if I sit on our deck at night.

Good times...

Bubblewench said...

one finger comment.... i'll be back next week with videos....mwwwwaaaahhhhaaaaaa

Jen said...

Fun! I love the zoo. I'm also wanting a pretzel now for some reason.