Sunday, March 04, 2007

full frontal nudity...

Mike: Hey babe, you should consider revamping your blog.

Me: Oh yeah?

Mike: Yeah... Call it: "Mommified Me: Full Frontal Nudity" I bet more guys would read it.

Me: Oh really?

Mike: I'll take a picture of you topless flipping off the camera.

Me: Yeah babe, that's my thing.

Mike: If you tell your friends I said that will they think I'm a whore pig?

Me: No honey, a pig whore.

Mike: They'll think that?

Me: No babe, they already know you're a pig... but you're my pig and I love you.


Giddy. said...

Pig Whore? Naaaaaaahhhhh! He's just trying to help. And, as all men know, everything's better with boobies & attitude (throw in a beer, and you have perfection).

Bubblewench said...

Boobies & beer! That's what's it's all about for men!! Mike's not a pig whore! Just happens to own a penis.

Bubblewench said...

You do know that Mike is right though? You show some skin, and well, your reader numbers in the 'man' field will totally go up! LOL!