Thursday, February 08, 2007

you there in 08...

I thought the holidays started early but that's nothing compared to the 2008 election. So much has been going on in the last several months, and I was aware, I knew it was happening... I'm hip, I'm with it... I get my news from the Daily Show after all...

but I saw my first 08 bumper sticker... It doesn't matter who it was (rhymes with yo mama) what mattered was that it was there adorning a minivan and telling me that soon we will be flooded with stickers, signs, commercials, e-mails (I get so many e-mails from the democratic party it boggles the mind...) billboards, buttons, funny dolls and soaps... okay maybe not the soap but mark my words there is a call for campaign soap with a catchy slogan about washing off our time in the bush with fresh new Insert Candidate Here suds.

So who will be our next president? I have no idea. There are so many people vying for the Democrat nod alone and I can't tell you who'll win that... I can tell you with a reasonable degree of certainty a few people who won't though.

In this heated political climate is there anything about the 08 election to look forward to? With the Republicans I fear the same ol same ol cleverly disguised by a different face biding their time until they can continue their heavy handed rule over the American People. With the Democrats I fear all the candidates combined will once again have just enough rope to hang themselves by.

So what do we have to look forward to? Is it possible that we've learned enough from our past mistakes to make a difference?

I guess only time will tell, until then have some soap...


Giddy. said...

I'm thinking we write in "Soap" for president.

I'm so not looking forward to all the upcoming political mumbo-jumbo. It's all crap. I hate the way everything gets dumbed down into itty-bitty bite sized morsels of lie.

Me? I'll be voting Libertarian (, I always do.

Bubblewench said...

I'm with giddy, write in SOAP for president, then maybe instead of all those boring presidential speeches, they will show us those hysterically funny episodes of that show Soap. That was a great show. In the meantime, I am living in a bubble and pretending that I know nothing about politics. Damn. Can't fake that can I?