Friday, February 09, 2007

so much to say...

drop off K
clean the house
want a dog
clean the kitchen
write a blog
set the timer
can i take a nap
come on everybody lets save some daylight
what's that sound
i wanna watch tv
tiki drink tonight
make pizza
have to get groceries
when do i pick up K
hows my mom
where did my cats go
that's the brick
i hope mike's okay
i hope k is okay
i haven't talked to my friend in ages
she's not really my friend anyway
12 billion dollars on a forklift
oh we have broccollini
what else will i want on my pizza
do i even want pizza
i really just want a big salad
and garlic bread
i should drink more water
i'm out of cherry coke
k has to do her valentines
she has a crush on that boy
which tiki mug will i drink from
12 billion dollars in cash is really heavy
i can't believe it's 2007
what was i like when i was 7
what will k be like when she is 7
her cousin is 7
her friend is almost 7
her friend's brother is turing 8
i like that song pieces of 8
no more beheadings mike
the house really needs to be cleaned
how long can this go on
where's my iced tea

maybe I will expand on some of those next week because really there is so much to say...

1 comment:

Bubblewench said...

What were you smoking and can I have some?