Friday, February 02, 2007

turning 30... day 1 of 40...

It's 35 days until my 30th birthday. Am I upset by this? Nope. Was I considering this when I woke up this morning? No, not at all. So what brought on this topic?


Mike went out to get a smoothie for lunch today (I was jealous so I retaliated by going to Me Kong for some tasty salad rolls). While he was out he was drawn into a record shop... at least I assume it was a record shop.

While driving home from work early enough for us to catch wine tasting he called and asked if he should start giving me birthday presents NOW or wait until my birthday. Images of a cute little German Shepperd pup gagged in the closet crossed my mind... but knowing he wouldn't ever do that to my puppy (and it doesn't look like I'm getting one quite that soon friends) I said he should do whatever he wanted to do...

gimme gimme gimme i want i want i want

He tried to give me presents before wine tasting but I said no, arguing that coming home to presents would be more exciting... He forced me to take one anyway... a Lords of Acid cd... Truthfully I had forgotten about the Lords of Acid. Thrilled with the album I set in on a cabinet and bounced out the door to trek through our chilly neighborhood and head over to Vino.

The whole time we drank our wine and had general merriment I didn't think of the bag or pressies sitting on the dining table at home... but when we walked in the door they were there!!! Oh whatever was I to do? I did NOTHING.

But Mike being Mike once again insisted that I receive gifts. He produced 2 Tom Waits albums that I didn't already have. Joy.

While the bag was not empty he decided to keep the additional bootie for another day... and thus began the 40 days and nights of the 30th birthday of camikaos

side note: traditionally since I met Mike 1 week before my birthday he has insisted on celebrating my birthday for a full week... He must be anxious about my 30th if he is starting this far in advance...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a big one, 30 days of presents should be right... 40 just cause he loves you so much. At least he gets the birthday lasts a week! I'm still working on mine to get that!!