Sunday, September 14, 2008

strange love live... quick look over there...

I've decided that if you want to go get the latest episode of Strange Love Live you can just click on over to get it. You see that crazy little show that Dr. Normal and I created (with love, some microphones, insanity and a tiny bit of booze) has had it's very own site for quite some time. When I post a Strange Love Live episode here, it's just a copy of what I post over there...

Why the sudden change of heart (or posting habits)? Because the last Strange Love Live post was long... it included 3 episodes we recorded over the weekend (Two 30 minute Tech shows and a 1 hour afterhours) along with descriptions of them and some hilarious chat room excerpts. It belongs on the Strange Love site...

I will continue to hold the hand of those of my blog readers that are also show listeners and post a link to the newest episodes, but not the full post.

This week head over to Strange Love Live's site for podcaster and android and afterhours...

As always you can listen to the show there, download them or subscribe so that you can always be the first to know when we've released a new episode...


Join us Friday September 19th at 10pm for another live episode of Strange Love. The latest guest in our recent string of lovely Portland people is Aaron Hockley. We'll start off the night for a talk about the who, what, when, where and why of Word Camp PDX. After 30 minutes of all things word press we'll shift over to #afterhours where we're sure to cover items including (but not limited to) photography, train porn, geekiness and why he doesn't love my new laptop.

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