Friday, August 22, 2008


Join us for Strange Love Live tonight at 10pm with special guests Dawn Foster and Sam Keen of Shizzow! We'll be broadcasting live at 10pm.


Jo Beaufoix said...

Can't be there but will be thinking of you. And I still plan to catch up on all the missed ones. I just have to learn how to use my MP3 player that Mr B got for me, then filled with his tunes. Bad boy.

sybil law said...

I will try to listen to the shizzow if I can have the hizzow all to myself.

holly said...

i was sleeping. but it was goooood sleep. and i knew where i was at the time. this would, i'm guessing, be a prerequisite for using shizzow. will i find this and many more things out when i listen to the pcast?