Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Official Doneness (the unauthorized commentary/ sequal)

as I read Giddy's blog this morning I thought back to my happy official doneness of last night... After getting home from a long day at the in-laws I came home put my Christmas Princess to bed then lay down in my cruzan rum sun hat, wearing my gorgeous Charles Rennie Mackintosh inspired ring, watched Pirates of The Caribbean 2, ate a kitkat bar from my stocking and zoned... it was over... it was done and it was good. I basked in the giftiness that abounded in our family and reflected briefly on how lucky we all are to be so loved and fortunate before falling into my piratey movie world for a couple of hours.... it was good and done done done... now though there is so much to do... K got so much stuff... so much stuff that we don't know where to put it all and my day today is filled with an aching in my chest from and awful cold (please be just a cold, the way my lungs are aching I am hoping to avoid a visit to my doc) and trying to assign the lovely sweet thoughtful gifts homes... it will take today, tomorrow, maybe the next day to shift all her belongings until they fit....
i look forward to my official doneness..... oh and some more sleep and champagne...

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